journal publications

Poliak, M., Ryskin, R., Braginsky, M., & Gibson, E. (2023). It is not what you say but how you say it: Evidence from Russian shows robust effects of the structural prior on noisy channel inferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.


posters and abstracts

Poliak, M, Kimura, H., & Gibson E. (2024) Mis-Heard Lyrics: an Ecologically-Valid Test of Noisy Channel Processing. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Vol. 46.

Poliak, M., Malik-Moraleda, S., & Gibson E. (2024) Sentence Processing Relies on Expectations Regarding Both Meaning and Structure. Poster at the LSA Annual Convention.




Poliak M., Fang, X., Ali, M., Bergen L., & Gibson E. (2023) Corrective Prosody is Semantic, not Information Theoretic: An Online Speech Production Study. Poster at the 36th Annual Conference in Human Sentence Processing.


Chen, A., Hofer, M.Poliak, M., Zaslavsky, N., & Levy R. (2022). The emergence of discrete and systematic communication in a continuous signal–meaning space. Poster at the 44 Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society (CogSci).


Poliak, M., Ryskin, R., Braginsky, M., & Gibson, E. (2022). Effects of the structural prior on noisy-channel inference: evidence from Russian. Poster at the 35th Annual Conference in Human Sentence Processing.


Poliak, M., Yacovone, A., & Sndeker, J. (2022). Between you and me: Use ERP decoding when between-participants variation is high. Poster at the 35th Annual Conference in Human Sentence Processing.


Poliak, M., Morehouse, K., & Banaji, M. (2021). Gender and Judgments of Fame: Responses to “Noise” Are Sensitive to Local, Not Global, “Signal”. Poster presentation at the APS Annual Convention conference.


Yacovone, A., Poliak, M., Koya, H., & Snedeker, J. (2021). ERP decoding shows bilinguals represent the language of a code-switch after lexical processing. Poster at the 34th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing.
